Recent WALKS - in pictures January 2013

Recent perambulations in various parts of the North of England.  Movies may take a minute to load.

Walk 24 on 6th January, 2013. Blackstone Edge, near Littleborough, Lancashire. Another Manchester Evening News walk of about 6 miles over varying terrain: valleys, woodland and moors. Culminating on the high moorland, featuring an escarpment of black gritstone known as Blackstone Edge. An overcast but fine enough mild day, perfect for walking, far from the madding crowd of Hollingworth Lake. Definitely one for the Wintertime, when there are fewer people around.  The ascent, not arduous, but a steady climb, follows after a few miles through valley and trees, up hill and down dale, then reaching moorland prior to the ascent. A fascinating march across the almost  lunar gritstone escarpment is followed by a steady descent back to farmland and paths. A short but very interesting walk with lots to see. Lovely scenery, although on this occasion the views were totally obscured by low cloud. In fact, I walked 'in faith' for a mile or two as there was no visibility at all! As can be seen in the photos! But we made it, fine, in the end, and, as ghostly Hollingworth Lake slowly materialised from the misty veil, all became clear for the walk downhill, back to base.

Movie Bishop having fun    

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